Friday, June 10, 2011

guise. it's way too hot in my room. also i have a mac. also. i'm in love with my mac. and the doctor. also i am looking for a name for my mac. and typing on here is just so amazing!
  • i drink starbucks like everyday
  • my feet are killing me from work
  • sunday is my day off
  • i need to buy more pants
  • i ordered sopio cards
  • and two vote saxon bumper stickers
  • and i just love doctor who.
  • i have the best conversations
  • and the nicest friends
  • this must be a GPOY with out a picture. and on friday night.
  • i need new shoes.
  • and i'm just all over happy.
  • i can't even be snarky. like at all.
  • i have lime popsicles for tomorrows dinner.
  • because i am a disgusting person.
  • also. i love star trek. THE ORIGINAL. ouch.
  • these are things that i love


Tuesday, April 5, 2011

The quickie

I don't have time to write this, I really want to go to sleep a lot. If you want to read a really good blog tonight, go read all of Maureen Johnsons; you will not be sorry.
•my bruise is going down
•I have yoga tomorrow
•I might apply for a job at radio shack

Life is pretty nice right now.

Jump rope: 325
films: 0
Driving: 9

Monday, April 4, 2011

the one with the tag meme!

Today was the day of being home sick from school. All i did was lie on the couch and watch little miss perfect, Joseph and the technicolour dream coat, and FAME! It was a good time. I then showered and went to the doctors, where banter was made and pills were prescribed. It was nice.
I have been living off of warm water with lemon. This has like saved my life- srslyguiseeee. I just watched elizziebooks's newest video and i will now do the tag meme she did.

1. Name a book you would take on a long flight?
This will always be difficult, but right now I think that it would be Anna and the French Kiss. I love this book, and would read it over and over and over again.

2. What is your guilty pleasure?
Miley Cyrus. I have no explanation.

3. Name three characters from any book, you wish you could be friends with?
Spencer from Suite Scarlett by Maureen Johnson, Robert Langdon from the Dan Brown books. Lastly, Ron Weasley.

4. What's your shoes size?
It ranges from a seven to an eight, i've never understood my feet!
5. If you could write your own book, name the title, and a brief synopsis.
NaNoWriMo takes over here. I think it was called "Brief analogies" or something like that.
Here is the first paragraph:
The blood that was curdling on the floor would have been too much for one to handle, the amount alone was as though a blood bank had been broken into just to dump out the entire contents; as if to kill most the living world that was depending on the blood. No, this was not a blood bank, this was a small house in the middle of no where with a few equally small houses surrounding it. The inhabitants of the house were wretched, erratic, and struggling to keep up with the Jones’, though weren’t most people? If you were to measure the amount each family had it would not be enough to even think about the Jones’.

6. What's your favorite flavor of ice cream
Vanilla c:
7. What book are you currently reading?
Speaker of the Dead, The Jungle, Deception Point, and The lost Symbol (for the second time).
8. What room do you film your YouTube videos?
Normally in my bedroom, but the last i filmed was in the den. Which is where i normally blog from.
9. Best YA series you've ever read?
This is very difficult,possible the hunger games series.
10. What is your best physical attribute?
My cheeks c: and my small face. and forever my eyes.
11. Do you like manga or comics, if so name your favourite series?
yessss. I'm a hana-kimi fan and a fruits basket fan.
12. Do you sleep on your side or your stomach?
Normally my side and back, though sometimes i will sleep on my stomach.
13. Favorite book mark?
heh. random papers that i find laying around, although i don't normally use book marks. I am the jerk who just remembers the page number, you know the type- the one in the coffee shop who brags about how well read they are, then promptly pulls out their well read copy of some YA novel, and flips to the exact page then reads with that smug smile.
14. What song are you currently listening in your Ipod?
The last song i played was "This Isn't Hogwarts" By Hank Green. I was washing my car to my driving playlist c:
15. Worst summer job you've ever had?
well, i've only had one summer job, which would be at the packing house. where i graded fruit for two months and two weeks. It wasn't horrible. I was the only one who spoke english and not Spanish, and i was the youngest, and i was on my back and my feet and back like throbbed.
16. What's your favorite band, or type of music?
I listen to a lot of different music, but i like beachy mellow songs best. I'm a Ben Folds and The Mountain Goats fan. Also musicals.

In the midst of writing this post, i went to Starbucks and drove around for a little, just enjoying being able to do that. When i got home i washed the car. It took two white wash clothes, which are now VERY black. I am going to research poems for english and see if i can decided on one, i'm leaning towards Daddy by Sylvia Plath.

Rope I've jumped (in April): 225
Films I've watched (in April): 1
Places I've driven (in April): 4

Sunday, April 3, 2011

the one with the sickness and modeling

Today was a sick day :c
I woke up and my throat hurt so much, and it continued all day, so tomorrow i am going to the doctor. So I'm kind of scared that he'll be giving me a shot (I'm TERRIFIED of needles!!!). I dyed my hair, so its a little darker and a little redder, and looks pretty normal.
Honestly, today consisted of drinking tea and watching Americas Next Top Model (Cycle 6), i have like a half hour left of the last episode, but i kind of jsut want to sleep forever.
To top everything off the communists invaded the fun house today, so i had horrible cramps for three hours. It was pretty bad.
But i have recovered, and I'm now sitting pretty with my cute fringe, and a bun atop my head with nice sweats! I've admittedly been looking into petite modeling, due to only standing five foot four inches. Modeling is a secret passion that i have, i admire so many of those girls and i want to have something to do with that, whether I'm in front of the camera or behind it.
I'm going to finish the last half of the episode, and drink my warm water with lemon.
happy BEDA-ing!

Rope I've jumped (in April): 70
Films I've watched (in April): 0
Places I've driven (in April): 2

Saturday, April 2, 2011

The one with the lists

Against my better judgment I'm doing BEDA (a day late has never hurt any one.) I figured it would give me creative freedom and just a general base. I'm going to be trying new things and a actually sticking to them. here's a list of a few of those:
  • yoga! This happens on Mondays and Wednesdays, but i am so ready for this! I went last Wednesday and i had fun and i felt so good afterward. But i only have two months school is done, then i must find someplace new . . .
  • I'm going to Jump Rope daily. This is a huge one, because i don't generally stick to things.
  • I'm going to try going dairy free for at least a week. Hayley Hoover is doing this for the entire month of April.
  • I'm also going to take a picture a week and edit it. I don't want to commit to doing more than that, because i know that when i wont get it done I'll just feel like i failed myself.
I'm rather excited for April now, and i want to get started on everything, but that would be bad because then i would have five hundred projects to do at the same time, and i would just trip and stumble.
I am going to jump rope now, and then do some laundry and dance around.

Rope I've jumped (in April): 13
Films I've watched (in April): 0
Places I've driven (in April): 2

Sunday, November 21, 2010

What's on my dashboard? take two!

adorable Darren Criss- because everyone needs one.

my old desktop picture.
my current desktop picture.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


woooo. video/film c:
life groups was good.
i talk a lot.
my feet are not touching the ground.
because the chair is to high.
waffle party was grand this morning.